Infographics are an exciting and increasingly popular way to get information across without your audience being required to read through paragraphs of copy. An infographic puts your idea across visually - simply and efectively. We combine our illustration and typographical skills to acheive a clear, bright and fun result.


The infographic above was a competition entry runner-up. The brief to create a visually exciting but easy to read infographic for people who wanted to earn money without being tied to one location. The image below was for the National Rail annual conference who required an illustrated infographic depicting the road map for the coming year's objectives. Each objective had to work individually as an illustration and  in group on the road map.


99 Designs  |  National Rail  |  Unilever


Illustration and Design

The following project was for Unilever, who required a set of illustratinos for their presentation on the subject of greener lifestyles.

A picture tells a thousand words